发布日期:2023-12-28 浏览次数:956
姓 名
性 别
籍 贯
民 族
学 位
职 称
职 务
所 属 系
1. 教育状况
2015.09-2019.12 哈尔滨工业大学 工商管理 管理学博士
2011.09-2014.07 渤海大学 课程与教学论(计算机) 教育学硕士
2007.09-2011.07 渤海大学 教育技术 理学学士
2. 工作经历
2020.09至今 beat365官方网站 讲师
2021.08至今 beat365官方网站农林经济管理博士后流动站 博士后
1. Li, Z.Q., Liang, L., Zhang, X., Li, J.T. (2022). Impact of Environmentally Specific Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior for the Environment: the Role of Moral Reflectiveness and Leader Group Prototypicality. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2022.2027748.(SSCI,JCR2区,第一作者)
2. Li, Z.Q., Ma, C. Zhang, X. Guo, Q.M. (2022). Full of Energy? The Relationship Between Supervisor Developmental Feedback and Task Performance: A Conservation of Resources Perspective. Personnel Review, https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-03-2021-0138.(SSCI,JCR2区,第一作者)
3. Li, Z.Q., Liang, L., Duan, C.Q., Zhang, X., Lv, Z. (2022). Impact of Meritocratic Beliefs of Newcomers on Creativity: A Career Construction Perspective. Psychological Reports https://doi.org/10.1177/00332941211064810.(SSCI,JCR2区,第一作者)
4. Li, Z.Q., Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Lyu, Z. (2021). Impact of future work self on employee workplace wellbeing: a self-determination perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 656874. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.656874.(SSCI,JCR1区,第一作者)
5. Li, Z.Q., Duan, C., Lyu. Z, Xu, X. (2021). Why and When Supervisor Developmental Feedback Impact Innovative Behavior: Perspective of Self-Regulation Theory. Sustainability, 13(16), 9190. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169190. (SSCI,JCR2区,第一作者)
6.Li, Z.Q., Qin, H.Q., Zhang, X., Zhang, Q.W., Tang, L.S. (2023). Linking Superior Developmental Feedback with Employee Job Satisfaction? A Conservation of Resources Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph20043211(SSCI,JCR1区,第一作者)
7. Zhang, X. Ma, C. Guo, F. Li, Z.Q. (2022). Does Perceived Overqualification Cultivate Angels or Demons? Examining Its Interpersonal Outcomes through Pride from an Evolutionary Psychology Perspective. Applied Psychology: an International Review, 71(1), 243-270. https://doi.org/10.1111/apps.12319. (SSCI,JCR1区,通讯作者)
8. Duan, C.Q, Yao, M,F., Yu, H., Li, Z.Q. (2022). Multi-period Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Considering CSR Investment and Sharing Mechanism. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(5), 1579-1595. https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.3475.(SSCI,JCR3区,通讯作者)
9. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q., Liang, L., Zhang, X. (2021). Why and When Paradoxical Leader Behavior Impact Employee Creativity: Thriving at Work and Psychological Safety. Current Psychology, 40(4), 1911-1922. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-018-0095-1. (SSCI,JCR2区,通讯作者, 高被引论文)
10. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q., Su, Y.Y., Zhang, X. (2019). The Role of Thriving at Work and Overall Fairness in the Future Work Self-Employee Creativity Relationship. International Journal of Manpower, 41(3), 289-302. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-08-2018-0268. (SSCI,JCR2区,通讯作者)
11. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q., Su, Y.Y., Wu, S.S. Li, B.Y. (2019). Customers as Co-Creators: Antecedents of Customer Participation in Online Virtual Communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16244998. (SSCI,JCR1区,通讯作者)
12. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q, Su, Y.Y. (2018). The Effectiveness of Service Innovation Practices to Reduce Energy Consumption Based on Adaptive Theory. Sustainability, 10(9).https://doi.org/10.3390/su10093317. (SSCI,JCR2区,通讯作者)
13. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q. (2018). European Manufacturer’s Competitive Priorities: An Empirical Assessment. Human Systems Management, 37(4), 398-408. https://doi.org/10.3233/HSM-17135 (EI期刊, 通讯作者)
14. Zhang, X., Li, Z.Q. Zhang, H.L., Zhang, Q.W. (2022). Appraising and Reacting to Voluntary Green Behavior at Work: The Effects of Green Motive Attribution. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1010588. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1010588.(SSCI,JCR1区,第二作者)
15. Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q., Shi, L.N. Continuous Improvement Actions: Moderating Effects of the Consciousness of Employees. International Conference on Industrial Economics System and Industrial Security Engineering. IEIS2016 (EI会议, 通讯作者)
16. Kang, J., Yang, Y., Li, Z.Q. The Influence of Supplier Management on Service Strategy: Based on the Empirical Study of Manufacturing Enterprises. International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management. ICCREM2016 (EI会议, 通讯作者)
17. 杨洋,李仲秋,谢国强等.重大突发公共卫生事件下政府主导的企业复工复产机制[J].公共管理学报,2021,18(02):70-82+169.DOI:10.16149/j.cnki.23-1523.20210311.001.(CSSCI, 第二作者)
18. 杨洋,苏莹莹,李仲秋, 刘宝巍.未来清晰一定会导致工作投入吗?系统视角下的定性比较研究[J].管理评论,2022,34(01):191-204.DOI:10.14120/j.cnki.cn11-5057/f.2022.01.018.(CSSCI, 第三作者)
19. 杨洋,邹明阳,谢国强,李仲秋,倪文斌.重大突发公共卫生事件下的供应链恢复机制[J].管理学报, 2020,17(10):1433-1442.(CSSCI,第四作者)
20. 杨洋,谢国强,邹明阳,李仲秋,苏莹莹.新冠肺炎疫情下企业员工的心理恐惧与复原机制[J].管理科学,2020,33(04):107-118.(CSSCI,第四作者)
21. 吕卓,李仲秋,王积田等.高校混合式教学课程建设动态调整与优化——基于动机、态度与行为视角[J].哈尔滨学院学报,2022,43(06):111-115(通讯作者) |
1. 主持人,中国博士后科学基金《东北地区新型农业经营主体黑土地质量保护行为的促进机制与对策研究》,5万,在研,项目编号:2022MD723754,起止时间:2022-11至2024-11
2. 主持人,黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目《黑龙江省新型农业经营主体黑土地质量保护行为驱动机制研究》,3万,在研,项目编号:22GLC280,起止时间:2022-07至2024-08
3. 主持人,黑龙江省高等公司产品改革项目《后疫情时期基于主动动机模型的老员工创新创业能力提升路径研究》,2万,在研,项目编号:SJGY20210074,起止时间:2021-12至2023-12
4. 主持人,beat365官方网站青年才俊项目《新冠肺炎疫情下保险企业上级发展性反馈对员工心理恢复的影响研究》,3万,结题,项目编号:20QC27,起止时间:2021-01至2022-12
5.核心参与人,国家自然基金项目《“拒谏饰非”还是“从谏如流”?基于社交媒体的用户建言与企业产品创新机制》, 48 万,项目编号:71972062,起止时间:2020.01至2023.12
6. 核心参与人,哈工大哲学社会科学繁荣计划项目《供给侧改革背景下用户参与产 品创新机制:基于社会动机理论的视角》,5万,项目编号:HIT. HSS. 201842,起止时:2019.06-2021.05,已结题
7. 核心参与人,黑龙江省高等公司产品改革项目《新时代老员工未来工作自我及对在校行为的影响机制》,1万,项目编号:SJGY20180165,起止时间:2020.06-2021.12,已结题
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